Light strawberry small cake

The strawberry season has begun. It is time for dishes starring this beautiful and tasty fruit. Today I would like to share with you a recipe for a light strawberry cake on an unusual oaty-chocolate base.
The strawberry season has begun. It is time for dishes starring this beautiful and tasty fruit. Today I would like to share with you a recipe for a light strawberry cake on an unusual oaty-chocolate base.
Do you know who slimmed down Polish high-class cookery and when it happened? It was Paweł Tremo, the chef of king Stanisław August. One of the dishes he served on the royal table was onion soup. This extremely easy to prepare, exquisite and tasty dish could be a nice change on our own tables.
Spring this year is cold and rainy, so let the food on the table be colorful and tasty. Maybe the season will be ashamed and mould itself to match our high spirits.
Every housewife has her old treasured recipes. Maybe mothers pass them on to their daughters, or maybe grandmothers reveal them to granddaughters. The recipe which my mother gave me as "kitchen heritage" is for a chocolate cake called "murzynek"
My mother used to make "checked apple pie". She cut the dough into strips and made a grid from this on the apples. I like a combination of apples and peaches, so I enrich traditional apple pie with this fruit.