

Today, I would like to share with you a very easy recipe for a hot dessert. It is perfect for a cold day. This is a proposal for some of you who want to start your adventure with baking. There is no way you could ruin this dessert; it is always delicious and smells homely. After baking you can serve it with whipped cream, vanilla sauce or yoghurt. Be careful because this dessert stays hot for a long time. Sometimes you think it is cool, but under the crumble topping you have very hot apple lava.



Some people love liver and others hate it. My family belongs to the former group, but I wouldn’t serve this dish during a family gathering.
I know that each housewife has her own recipe for liver. I have eaten fried liver and liver spiced with the herbs and onion. My favourite however is liver with onion and pieces of apple.



Today I offer you something extremely simple and extremely dainty. I like recipes like this. A little shopping, nothing much to do, a short wait and then only pleasure. Because of the added plum stew, these wafers aren’t very sweet. They taste fantastic with a cup of tea or flavoured coffee. My family loves them. No matter how many I prepare, they disappear very fast. It is interesting that the person in our family who can’t refrain from eating them most is my husband, who watches his waistline all the time.



In Poland we used to say that of all sweets we like herrings the most. This means that we don't like sweets at all, so we choose herrings when people ask us if we want dessert. In my family we can't say this, because we like them both.



In the bad old days when we couldn’t buy anything in Poland, giblets were often the ingredients of dishes. In my family we ate stew from chicken stomachs or chicken hearts. Then we lost our taste for this kind of dish, only for it to reappear thanks to some recipes from my mother-in-law. I would like to share one of them with you.

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