There are certain combinations which always hold good. There are dishes which save us when surprise guests drop in. Chocolate mousse with raspberries, which always turns out well, doesn't need many sophisticated ingredients and you can make it with different kinds of fruit.


Ingredients (for two people):

150g of raspberries

1 teaspoon of caster sugar

100g of mascarpone cheese

100g of natural yoghurt


The broad bean is one of the oldest cultivated plants. Seeds of this plant were found in archeological digs of Troy, the bronze age and the Middle Ages. It was an irreplaceable food for paupers – nourishing, cheap and easy to store. Today broad beans are eaten  in China, where it has been grown for 5,000 years. Half of the global crop comes from Chinese fields.

The broad bean is very valuable product for vegetarians because it contains a lot of protein, fibre, vitamins B1,B2, PP A and C.

Not many people know that in Egypt it was offered as a sacrifice for the dead (it was a sign of death) and was dedicated to happy couples who wanted a male heir.

We used to eat broad beans simply cooked in light salted water. This time I have added them to a salad. They taste fantastic with dried tomatoes and fresh cucumber.


Beetroots have many culinary usages. The Most popular are soups and beetroot salad with horseradish to go with meat. The most valuable beetroots are those with dark flesh and thin skin and a uniform color inside. It is said that the most tasty are beetroots which are not bigger than 8 cm. The juice from these raw vegetables has the most nutritional value, so eating them in this form brings us the most healthy spoils. In second place among dishes are beetroots roasted in their skin. Next in line are soups and in last place, cooked beetroots.


The sweet taste of beetroots goes together perfectly with the taste of distinctive cheese, so today's recipe makes use of these ingredients.


Beetroots were known already in the ancient world. This vegetable was mentioned for the first time in a Babylonian document from 722 B.C. Three hundred years later they were grown in Greece. The first references to beetroots in Poland come from the XIV century, but mass cultivation started at the end of the XV century. Nowadays our country is the leading producer of these vegetables in Europe.


Beetroots are a real treasure trove of mineral ingredients (i.e. magnesium, phosphorus, iron, manganese, copper, potassium, and zinc), vitamins (folic acid, vitamins C, B2 and B6), dietary fiber, vegetable phytosterol  and antioxidants. These ingredients lower blood pressure, help prevent cancer, aid hematopoiesis, strengthen the body's immunity and lower the level of so-called bad cholesterol in our blood.


Above all, they taste great and have a beautiful intense color. Today I would like to propose cream of roasted beetroot soup. It is very simple and almost ascetic in the number of ingredients it has. It is served with blotches of cream and minced green chives. It is a real feast for the senses.

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