Polka-dot fun – the first cake of my daughter

How to trade on the boredom of young people. Maybe in the kitchen? From the boredom of my daughter a desert was made – a nutty chocolate cake with colourful drops.
How to trade on the boredom of young people. Maybe in the kitchen? From the boredom of my daughter a desert was made – a nutty chocolate cake with colourful drops.
Cold beet soup is the most summery soup which comes to my mind. It is light, refreshing, but it was not always so. Some time ago, this soup was prepared with bouillon, crawfish, veal or fish.
Wild raspberries have been growing since prehistoric time and made their way to us from Asia Minor or North America. We can use raspberry bushes to the full. These beautiful red fruits are useful for preparing desserts, cakes, cookies, juices, liqueurs or for eating directly from the bush. This time I shall give you a recipe for some tiny cookies, delicate and very nice raspberry "kisses".
Yellow, green, red and black. This isn't a list of famous rainbow colours but of kinds of lentil. Each of them has a different taste and you can use them to prepare different dishes. I have already cooked red lentil soup. It was thick and delicious. This time I shall give you the recipe for green lentil soup. It is also tasty but completely different. My children said that it reminds them of pea soup a little.
Do you buy chocolate ornaments to decorate of cakes, cookies and deserts? I used to do so until it emerged that making them yourself is quite simple. Try it yourself.