"Under the spruces" home - made eating in Masuria.
What exactly is a vacation? For kids it is carelessness, fun and lack of any duties. And what about parents and, in particular, mums? From my perspective, apart from a higher than usual need for creativity and a little more free time there is no difference. Additionally, if we are travelling to places where vacations are not organized, I ..."Where the shadow does not reach"
"Where the shadow does not reach" by Hanna Kowalewska starts quite simply. Inka, a young graphic designer working in Warsaw, receives a telegram from a long-lost relative. Full of misgivings, she gets on a train and travels to a sleepy little town on the Hel peninsula. This is where simplicity ends. Who on earth sends telegrams in the 21st ...10 out of 10 salad.
When my daughter comes back from a long trip, I try to prepare something special for her to eat. Sometimes it may be her favourite dish, sometimes it could be a surprise. It was the same this year when my daughter came back from her sport camp. Young broad beans are delicious. Especially hot ones that burn your fingers, which my family swallow ...