"Kevin alone……. in the kitchen"
I received the book "Kevin alone in the kitchen" by Kevin Aiston just before Christmas. I thought that my family would disown me when instead of looking after the Christmas dishes I started to read this book. With my mind's eye I saw burnt mushroom soup, too salty carp and overcooked cabbage. Despite this, with good intentions and with a spoon ..."Kidnapped"
We live in relationships, sometimes marriages, we spend time together, we live under the same roof, but we only know about each other what the other person wants to say. Even people who have known each other since the nursery have their own secrets. Sometimes only extreme situations cause us to look at our partner from a completely different ..."Only dead people don't lie" - Katarzyna Bonda
The book "Only dead people don't lie" by Katarzyna Bonda fell into my hands completely by chance. I didn't know that it is part of a trilogy, and I didn't read any review regarding the author and her work. My first meeting with her criminal stories was not burdened with either positive or negative independent opinions. And it was good, because ...