Out of autumn spite - sunny spicy apricot jam
When the stalls were buckling under the weight of all the fruit and vegetables, I prepared a couple of small jars with spicy apricot jam. I regret that I prepared so little, because the jam was so yummy and now it is only a memory. Next year I have to make lots of jam, or hide it cleverly and serve it when the autumn is finished and we need to ...Oysters mushrooms and tofu in curry sauce – quick and easy dish without meat
Lunch without meat? No problem. Now, when you can read everywhere about substitutes and supplements, you can make a dish in the "without" style. One of the most pleasant cookery books about "without" diets with theory and interesting recipes is Lidl's book "Jeść zdrowiej" ("Eat more healthily"). You can find details inside about a diet without ...Pad thai with duck and vegetables
My daughter fell in love with pad thai the first time she tried it. We always make this dish together, and then it's my daughter who is the chef and master of the sauce. I have to peel and cut. Pad thai is for me not only a yummy dinner; it is also a fun time with my daughter in the kitchen. Today I would like to share with you the recipe for ...