Mushroom risotto with truffle oil
I haven't made risotto in a long time. In a long time means about a month I added the truffle oil which my husband brought back from a business trip on impulse when preparing this dish. The truffle olive oil comes from Tuscany in Italy. The best white and black truffles are picked in this region. I recommend this oil as the last finishing touch ...Mushroom soup with beans and bulgur
Mushroom soup is definietly not my children's favourite soup. I love it, so with stubbornness I am stubbornly trying to find a version of this soup so it will tastethat everybody will like. This time I made a good step in the right direction, because my daughter accepted the new mushroom soup. Only mMy son still turns his nose upsniff, but it I ...Mushroom soup with meatballs
In the traditional Polish home we usually have broth for Sunday dinner. The housewife also traditionally makes tomato soup with the leftover broth on Monday. My home is sometimes more, sometimes less traditional. I make broth very often because I like it very much, and tomato soup is my children's favourite. Today I decided to break with ...