Mini cheesecakes with strawberries
At long last they are here. Big and small, red and not so red, and all smelling of sun and summer. Strawberries. Again I will tread the path to the market for fresh fruit. I already have a special punnet, traditionally bought with the first portion of strawberries. Then, also traditionally and consistently, I will forget to bring it back to the ...Mini cupcakes with fruit
Everybody has their favourite cakes which they can't resist. My son is a lover of donuts with icing and orange peel. My daughter goes for caramel-chocolate flavours, so I buy butterscotch cupcakes for her at the bakery. Today's dinner was topped off with a simple and beautiful dessert: mini cupcakes with light whipped cream and decorated with ...Mini mango cheesecakes with pomegranate and blueberries
I think that April and the beginning of Mai have surprised us all with the beautiful sunny weather. If not for the calendar in my kitchen and the small green leaves on the trees, you could think that it is June, and you should pack your holiday baggage. The first colourful flowers are so beautiful that I decided to make my table suit the weather ...