Mexican penchotto with minced meat
Pęchotto and cashotto (dishes like risotto but you need groats instead of rice) and risotto are my favourite dishes. In my kitchen, pasta with various added ingredients still holds the field, but dishes with kasha are a really serious opponent. Luckily, I don't have to convince anybody in my family to eat it. Even my children eat kasha willingly,...Mexican soup with beans
Today I would like to share with you the recipe for a thick and rich one-pot meal: Mexican soup with a large amount of beans and meat. It has a strong tomato flavour, pepper, a beautiful smell and is easy to reheat. There are as many recipes for Mexican soup as there are housewives. You may prepare this soup with or without meat, chorizo or ...Mexican style kaszotto with chorizo
Chorizo is my favourite pepper sausage. This traditional Spanish sausage is made from pork. It has a strong fragrance and peppery taste which is difficult to mix up with something else. A characteristic feature of chorizo is its main seasoning: sweet smoked red pepper. Today I would like to share with you the recipe for Mexican style kaszotto ...