Lunch salad with kale, mushrooms and pearl barley
Kale is a kind of cabbage. It contains the biggest amount of calcium of all the vegetables, and it also doesn't contain oxalates. It is a valuable ingredient in preventing osteoporosis. Kale can be fried, baked or blanched, and the young leaves are great raw. It is excellent as a filling ingredient for pies and soups. Today I would like to ...Maggie’s cheesecake
I wish that every young employee beginning their professional career could meet such a boss as the one I once had. I doesn't matter whether it is a job in a corporation or in a state or private company. The most important thing is to have a leader who can create a team, motivate them to work and at the same time engender a positive atmosphere. ...Making something out of nothing, i.e. small balls with courgette
Today I would like to write about how to prepare something tasty for supper when you have an almost empty fridge. Usually, I go shopping once a week, and I buy bread, fresh vegetables and fruit. Sometimes, the day before shopping, my husband's old friend "Echo" from his bachelor days lives in my fridge. He isn't fit for eating, but his presence ...