For the beginning of the holiday – home-made coconut-vanilla budino
I don't understand why it was so hot in June and every end-of-year school test was thus made doubly difficult. Now the holiday has started, the summer has turned away and is pretending not to be there. 12-15C and rain isn't the kind of weather which children and their parents like. I hope it is the only cold spell during this holiday. To ...Forest fruit baked with kogel-mogel – a dessert for my husband
I think that everybody who was raised in difficult times remembers perfectly the taste of kogel-mogel: eggs whisked with sugar to make a light-yellow, almost white, fluffy mixture. For many of us it was a way of dealing with having a sweet tooth. Later, when chocolate sweets were a little bit easier to get, we added a spoon of cocoa and the ...Formula for parenting?
From childhood we are constantly learning something: walking, writing, driving... Everywhere we are swamped with instructions which we need to follow. Unfortunately, I can't find an instruction manual anywhere for the most important situation: How to bring up a child to be a clever and good adult without ruining their personality. Time doesn't ...