Salad with lentils, pear and feta cheese
Many years ago a vademecum of information for young housewives was "Polish Kitchen". This book contained not only recipes for typical Polish dishes, but also more exotic meals with game, fish and seafood. The authors also inserted recipes for homemade liqueur and herbal medicine, and suggestions on how to decorate your house and look after your ...Salad with new potatoes
Potatoes originate from South America, where they were grown 8 thousand years ago. They were brought to Europe in the XVI century and during the next few centuries became one of the most important parts of many national dishes. At first people thought that tubers brought on disorders. For this reason potatoes were treated as ornamental. In ...Salad with pumpkin, fennel and apples
Each of us has their own favourite types of apples. Some like them tender and sweet and some like apples which are hard to bite into. To this day I remember the taste of the apples which grew in our garden. Many of these old types aren't there anymore. Now there are new ones, but I remember with affection the September packed lunch when I got a ...