Salad for a picnic
The Long May weekend is the beginning of the holiday season for me. We dream about trips, picnics and beautiful free weekends. The dreams are excellent but sometimes the realisation of the ideas is difficult. However, we try to arrange at least a few trips in the summer. For the trip I always prepare some provisions. Much like Yogi Bear, I like ...Salad with asparagus spears and crunchy pistachio sauce
Reportedly, the devil is in the detail, and I think this is true. Sometimes a simple dish with ordinary ingredients is completely different when you serve it in an amazing dish or with surprising extras. Today I managed to perform this trick on my salad. Because this is the asparagus spear season (long may it last), I prepared a salad with ...Salad with broad beans and dried tomatoes
The broad bean is one of the oldest cultivated plants. Seeds of this plant were found in archeological digs of Troy, the bronze age and the Middle Ages. It was an irreplaceable food for paupers – nourishing, cheap and easy to store. Today broad beans are eaten in China, where it has been grown for 5,000 years. Half of the global crop comes from ...