My spaghetti Bolognese
Today I would like to share with you the recipe for an absolutely classical dish. Beloved by almost all children, Spaghetti Bolognese repeatedly spares the nerves of the fussy eater's parents. There are few children (and adults) who don't like this dish. Until recently my son belonged to this small group. Instead of spaghetti he ate buckwheat ...My spring rolls
Today I would like to share with you the recipe for my Chinese food. When I used rice paper for the first time I was surprised by its resilience and elasticity. I thought that making spring rolls would be difficult and the rice paper so fine that it would tear during the stuffing. Thankfully, I found that using this product is very easy. You ...My tartini tart with pears
Today I offer you a very autumnal cake with pears and lots of caramel. Some people call it tartini tart or upside down tart, but it doesn't matter what we call it, because it will still taste amazing. Thin cake, fresh and crispy pears and everything put in a golden caramel sauce. If before serving it you sprinkle the cake with a bit of lemon ...