Barley soup with kale

Did you know that it was probably Neanderthals that boiled soup for the first time. They used a hole in the ground for cooking this soup. They covered it with an animal skin, poured in water and added various ingredients. Then they put hot stones into this. It was only in 5000 BC that craftspeople started using ceramic pots for cooking. The oldest of this kind of artefacts were found on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea.
I like soups: homemade, fresh, fragrant, with seasonal vegetables. Nothing else warms you up like a plate of hot soup on an autumn or winter day. Today I would like to show you how to change classical barley soup into something new.
2 carrots
1 parsley root
1 onion
2 cloves of garlic
1 tablespoon of butter
1 stock cube
1 can of coconut milk
3 potatoes
3 tablespoons of barley groats