Courgette – a fast dinner
Today's dish appeared on our menu after my husband went on a trip with his male friends. I found out that on such trips men do not only drink beer, eat crisps and for lunch order pizza or hamburgers. Very 'male' food has many advantages: it is simple, doesn't need any sophisticated ingredients or complicated preparation. It is practical in ...Courgette-buckwheat pancakes
When I ask my son what I should prepare for dinner, you can be sure as hell he wants pancakes or crepes. He isn't a typical guy. He doesn't like meat. He likes groats, rice, potatoes, vegetables and salads, and he leaves the meat to the end. When I was a child I was the opposite. First, I ate what I liked the least so that I could relish my ...Courgette-carrot soup „with dispatch”
I found the recipe for this soup in an old cookery book. It interested me because of the extremely short preparation time. Actually, it seems that preparing the ingredients takes more time than cooking. The soup is perfect on a difficult day when, regardless of your best intentions, you don't have enough time to cook. Ingredients: 120g of ...