Swift nut candy bars
A few years ago in Poland we had a difficult time when in sweet shops they only had products which had nothing to do with chocolate. Mums had to prepare their own candies for their children. My mum very often baked cakes and made sugar lollypops, sweet oat or rice balls. You can make these sweets in no time, and the children - eager for sweets - ...Swift penne with tomato sauce with chickpeas
Though some people can't believe it, tomato sauce for spaghetti needn't contain any meat. My son likes spaghetti only with tomato sauce with meat balls or traditional spaghetti Bolognese. Apparently, anything different is inedible. Today he learnt that it isn't true. The penne was excellent with fragrant tomato sauce with chickpeas. The meal was ...Swift vegan-brownie with raspberries and blueberries
When I want to make something nice for my son, I prepare pancakes or something similar. For my daughter I can make tatar, herring or... brownie. Because the last two weeks were especially arduous for her, I decided to make this cake at the end. I have already made a lot of different brownies. This time I chose vegan-brownie (almost, because I ...