Shortbread muffins full of fruit
Today I would like to share with you the recipe for a dessert for everybody who watches their waistline but likes to eat something sweet. I recommend muffins which look like normal muffins, but hold a secret: a thin almond hull and a lot of fruit inside. This muffins look very inconspicuous, but it is only to confuse the enemy. You only need one ...Shortbread muffins with plums
Plum cakes are a symbol of the beginning of the school year for me. The fragrance of fruit dessert, plums and cinnamon make me want to wrap up warm in a soft jumper and make a cup of boiling hot tea. Although I have already prepared my first plum cake of the year, I hope that summer hasn't had its last word and we will enjoy some more warm, ...Shortbread scones with plums
Shortbread is a very useful product used in both sweet and savoury baked goods. It is great as a base for cakes and tarts; we can bake delicious cookies, croissants or pies. Your choice is limited only by your imagination and the kinds of ingredients you add. Today I offer you quick shortbread scones with plums, which are perfect as a dessert ...