Of all the days of the week we like Friday evening the most. Tasty supper, sometimes a glass of wine, a movie, a chat and a moment's peace after a long rough week.
Sometimes this is the only time for ourselves. Our children completely use up our free time, so although they are theoretically free, our weekends are chock-full. Do you also know the situation when on Friday you plan to do a lot of things, but then reality interferes, and on Sunday evening the to-do list is as long as it was on Friday?
Today I have a recipe for my supper last Friday. The dish was light and very tasty. Depending on the size of the meal, you can use this recipe to prepare a grand starter before dinner.
Ingredients (for 2 people):
3 beetroots
125g of goat cheese
10 walnuts
5 tablespoons of honey
2 tablespoons of lemon juice
2 tablespoons of olive oil
1 tablespoon of butter
some peppermint leaves
salt and pepper
Clean the beetroots thoroughly, cut the stumps off, and wrap them in aluminum foil. Heat the oven up to 190C and bake for 45 minutes. Cool them down, peel and slice them. Arrange the slices on some plates. Make a dip with 2 tablespoons of honey, lemon juice and olive oil. Spice it up with salt and pepper and sprinkle the beetroots with it. Melt the butter and the rest of the honey in a pan. Add the walnuts and fry for 2-3 minutes on a low heat.
Arrange the goat cheese and walnuts on the beetroot slices. Decorate with peppermint leaves.
Enjoy your meal!