The existence of Santa Claus is an inseparable part of our childhood. A mysterious fat man with a snowy white beard in a red coat with a big sack of presents used to come to us every Santa Claus day and Christmas Eve. Later on I realized that it was not always Santa Claus who visited kids at Christmas. Some of them were given presents by Angel or Star Man.
I still remember when on every 5th of December we polished our shoes until they gleamed, put them in front of our room and in the morning, anxious and barefoot, ran to make sure he had not forgotten about us. He never failed us. We always found some small packages and a rod lying nearby. We had not always been well-behaved of course. This stick served as a warning and encouraged us to be well-behaved for the next two weeks.
Obviously, he came for a second time on Christmas Eve. The way he made it to us depended on the weather: by sledge, by cart or on foot. We always looked out for his sledge in the sky, looking at the same time for the first star. Meanwhile, he appeared imperceptibly, leaving colourful packages by the Christmas tree. Sometimes he rang the door bell, but we were never fast enough to open it for him; sometimes he left the balcony door open and white footmarks on the floor.
These childhood memories, warm as the smell of coffee cake, I have cherished until today. At the same time, I cannot remember that painful moment when I realized that the man in red clothing was in fact my beloved parents, who were trying to fulfil my childhood dreams. Maybe it happened on the day my brother and I decided in secret to make our own presents for our parents and quietly put them under the Christmas tree? It was probably that moment when I realized that everyone could be like Santa Claus.