When it is hot outside, baking cakes and cookies should be forbidden. However, if it sizzles for a few days and I have to prepare a dessert, I think about cold cheesecake. I don't like big cold cheesecakes prepared in a cake tin. I prefer small cheesecakes prepared in a baking tin for muffins, which when decorated with fruit look like small jewels on a plate. They look more glamorous.
Today I prepared my small refreshing cheesecakes with bilberries and raspberries. They are a beautiful colour. You absolutely must add peppermint leaves to make small works of art.
Ingredients (for 6 cheesecakes.)
200g of mascarpone cheese
200g of raspberries
200g of bilberries
2 tablespoons of brown sugar
3 tablespoons of lemon juice
4 teaspoons of gelatine
60g of oat cookies
2 tablespoons of butter
Crush the oat cookies and mix them with the melted butter. Put one teaspoon of this mixture into every mould of the baking tin for muffins and compress a bit. Leave it to set in the fridge. Blend 150g of the raspberries and sieve them to remove the stones. Mix the raspberry mousse with the mascarpone cheese. Dissolve 1 teaspoon of gelatine in a bit of hot water. Cool it down and add it to the mascarpone cheese. Mix it in thoroughly. Put this mixture onto the cookie bottom. Leave it to set in the fridge. Put the bilberries and the rest of the raspberries in a pan. Add the sugar and lemon juice. Boil until the fruit is soft. Sieve it again. Boil again. Turn on the heat and dissolve the rest of the gelatine in the hot fruit mousse. Cool it down and put the mouse onto the mascarpone layer. Leave it to set in the fridge. Decorate with the peppermint leaves and fresh fruit before serving.
Enjoy your meal
Try also:
Small oreo muffins with jelly, lime cheese and fruit
Muffins called small molehills
Mini mango cheesecakes with pomegranate and blueberries