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godz. - 09:27

Homemade kissel with currants

domowy patchwork

There is a big age difference between me and my siblings. When I was out with my friends, my sister was still in a pushchair biting on a small rubber duck. I remember one summer when my mum prepared homemade kissel with seasonal fruit for my sister. Even though I thought I was an adult, I asked if I could have some too.

Recently, my son reminded me about this simple and very tasty dessert. Taking advantage of the currant season, I decided to include some in the dish and return to my childhood. You can eat kissel hot or cold. I like putting a bit of sweet vanilla fromage frais on it, but it is excellent without anything added.

Ingredients (for 4 people)
0.5kg of mixed redcurrants and blackcurrants
6-7 tablespoons of brown sugar
350ml of water
3 tablespoons of potato flour
4 tablespoons of vanilla fromage frais

Wash the currants, remove the shanks and put them with the sugar and 250ml of water into a saucepan. Boil for 7-10 minutes. Puree the fruit through a sieve to remove the seeds. Taste it and add more sugar if necessary. Boil it. Mix the potato flour with 100ml of cold water. Pour it into the boiling fruit mixture. Boil, stirring constantly to make a smooth consistency. Put the hot kissel into some small bowls. Eat at once or leave to cool down. Put the vanilla fromage frais on the top. Decorate with the currants and peppermint leaves.

Enjoy your meal!

Try also:
Children in the kitchen: the simplest small cheese cakes with jelly
Rhubarb and strawberries under a coconut crumble topping
Granary tart with seasonal fruits

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