Fabulous fruit tart

A summer holiday weekend afternoon. A hammock or lawn chair, drowsy laziness and a good book. Moments like this are like gold dust. Some excellent tea and any light sweet desert would also go down well.
This crunchy, wafery tart with creamy crème and fruit is an excellent proposal for a summer dessert. Add to the crème some lemon zest and lemon juice or essence and your family will wonder what you have changed in the dessert to make it so great. Strawberries and blueberries have contrasting tastes and fresh leaves of peppermint complete the picture. If you are fed up with strawberries, use other types of fruit. Raspberries, which have started conquering the stalls, would be great.
200g of blueberries
400g of strawberries
250g of flour
4 teaspoons of caster sugar
a pinch of salt
2 yolks
120g of butter